Prof. Robert Braun
Humboldt Fellow

Short Profile
I am an Associate Professor of Sociology, Political Science and Jewish Studies at UC Berkeley. Before joining Berkeley, I taught sociology and political science at Northwestern University. My research focuses on civil society and intergroup relationships in times of social upheaval and has been published in the American Journal of Sociology, the Annual Review of Political Science, the American Political Science Review, the American Sociological Review, Theory and Society and Social Forces. My first book "Protectors of Pluralism" (CUP 2019) tries to explain why some local communities step up to protect victims of mass persecution while others refrain from doing so. As a Humboldt fellow, I will work on my second second book project tentatively titled "Bogeymen" which traces the evolution of fear in Central Europe throughout the 19th and 20th century by studying the spread of frightful figures in children's stories. For this book I will draw heavily on the folklore archives located in and around Bonn, including the ADV (Altas of German Folklore).
The Department of Cultural Analysis and Cultural Anthropology posesses parts of the original materials from the Atlas of German Folklore (ADV), one of the largest research projects in the humanities of the 20th century. Furthermore, the department holds archival materials of the Rhineland survey (Rheinischer Fragebogen), photograph collections and bequests.
For research requests for the ADV, please inform yourself in advance via the link button below.