Universität Bonn

Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie

30. Dezember 2023

First field expedition in the Indigenous Territory of Trombetas - Mapuera, Brazil First field expedition in the Indigenous Territory of Trombetas - Mapuera, Brazil

Interview in the Jatapuzinho community, Trombetas-Mapuera Indigenous Land, Brazil
Interview in the Jatapuzinho community, Trombetas-Mapuera Indigenous Land, Brazil © Rubana Palhares Alves
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In December 2023, during our first field trip to the Trombetas-Mapuera Territory, we focused our anthropological research on the central Jatapuzinho community. In addition, we accompanied three hunters on their hunting and fishing activities for the Christmas festivities to the Iró community located downstream on the Jatapu River. We passed through Katual, Igarapé da Serra, Samaúma, and Ahru communities along the way. Despite the limited time, we managed to start a genealogical mapping and follow the life trajectories of some important leaders, which will contribute to a deeper understanding of the current forms of occupation and distribution of the communities across the wide territory, including the founders: Kîrînaw, Mackipi, Mamicwa, Aaka, and Bernaldo. In line with our objectives of understanding the notions of heritage and territoriality, we have made significant progress in recording valuable information about certain cosmotechnical relationships involving material beings, such as the little frog they call Kîpîtî (Dendrobates tinctorius) and plants with important social agency (natî). In addition to other immaterial beings, they consider them important in their forms of occupation and interaction with the ecosphere (ossomo). These relationships are fundamental to a comprehensive understanding of cultural perceptions and values, ways of occupying the territory, and, ultimately, establishing forms of leadership in the territory.

In the foreground, Alexandre (in black) and Ciriwa (in blue), in the Jatapuzinho community
In the foreground, Alexandre (in black) and Ciriwa (in blue), in the Jatapuzinho community © Carlos Machado Dias
The little frog they call Kîpîtî (Dendrobates tinctorius), near the Jatapuzinho community
The little frog they call Kîpîtî (Dendrobates tinctorius), near the Jatapuzinho community © Calide Moraes
From left to right, Kîrinaw, Alexandre and Carlos. Katual community
From left to right, Kîrinaw, Alexandre and Carlos. Katual community © Carlos Machado Dias
Jatapu River downstream, Pato waterfall, on the way to the Iró community with the hunters
Jatapu River downstream, Pato waterfall, on the way to the Iró community with the hunters © Carlos Machado Dias
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