Universität Bonn

Department of Christian Archaeology

Studies and teaching

Bonn is an excellent location to study Christian archaeology. There is a rich and exceptional variety of related subjects with adjoining content. In the same Institute XI you will find five other archaeologies or subjects with an archaeological focus, namely in the departments for: Classical Archaeology, Pre- and Early Historical Archaeology, Egyptology, Ancient American Studies and Cultural Anthropology/Volklore. They all provide very well-equipped specialist libraries. The extensive library of Christian Archaeology is integrated into the large library of the Institute of Art History. In addition, the excellent library of the Franz Joseph Dölger Institute for the Study of Late Antiquity (with the editorship of the Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum and the Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum) and a large number of specialised museum libraries in Bonn and Cologne are available.

In study programmes, the archaeological subjects, art history, ancient church history and, as a special enrichment, Byzantine studies in Cologne are linked to Christian archaeology.

There are also close links to archaeological institutions in the Bonn-Cologne area, in particular to the LVR-Landesmuseum Bonn and the prospection department of the LVR-Amts für Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland.

And last but not least, the location of Bonn with its surroundings offers an unusual density of original monuments of late antiquity and early Christianity: not only in the museums, but also with excavation areas and monuments still standing in e.g. Bonn, Cologne, Trier and Xanten.

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