Universität Bonn

Department of Christian Archaeology

Studying home and abroad

Experience abroad is an important part of studying, whether already in the Bachelor's degree, in the Master's degree or also for writing the dissertation. Many employers pay attention to this qualification, which comes with in-depth language skills as well as life experience. The time of study offers the most freedom to go abroad for a few months, whereby the curriculum does not have to suffer from this, on the contrary: study achievements there can in many cases be credited to the Bonn programme. Internships, on the other hand, often result in valuable international contacts that can be useful for one's career.

The University of Bonn supports its students' stays abroad through various exchange and funding programmes, the most important of which are listed here.

© Abt. Christliche Archäologie


Inner-German Exchange Programme

With PONS, it is possible to spend one to two semesters during your studies at another German university in the extensive PONS partner network. Students can take advantage of complementary courses offered at another place of study and make valuable contacts for further Master's studies, a doctorate, internships or their professional careers.

In subjects such as Classical and Christian Archaeology, however, this mobility is necessary because the entire breadth of the subject, especially under an increasingly expanding concept of science and the accompanying methodological, factual and geographical specialisations, cannot be taught at any single institute and rather results from the sum of the individual institutes.

For students, this means that an education that contains the necessary subject breadth can only be achieved through a skilfully chosen "tour" through several universities.


Studying abroad

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Abroad Program, semester/year stays are offered at partner universities in another European countries; the selection of applicants is made by the department that maintains the partnership with the host university.

After consultation, applications must be submitted to the Institute by 1 April for the academic year beginning in the winter semester. If more applications than places are received, the following selection criteria apply in the Department of Classical Archaeology for the allocation of Erasmus study places:

1. students in advanced semesters will be given preference
2. previous academic achievements and motivation for the stay abroad
3. proof of basic knowledge of the respective national language

Erasmus Partner Universities                        


In general: Dennis Mario Beck

Room 1.017,
Römerstraße 164

Wed. 10:00 - 11:00  and by arrangement


+49 0228 / 73 7739

Subject-specific: Stefanie Archut

Room 3.089, Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn

Consultation hours by arrangement


+49 228 73-5649


Erasmus Partner Universities


European countries


PONS locations

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