Universität Bonn

Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie

06. Februar 2024

More than human relationships in the realm of archery More than human relationships in the realm of archery

Aaka e Mamicwa
Aaka e Mamicwa © Carlos Machado
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Exploring archery knowledge among the Waiwai, anthropologist Alexandre Waiwai is revealing a complex wisdom that involves the participation of three species of anuran amphibians (kepetî, knawaru and Krawoto, terms from their own language); two different vine poison formulas (okomkîrîsî xixinatîrî /sururucu and yaimo tarî/hawk's foot); certain "plants" with social agency (naatî/"person-vegetable"); and, finally, the hunters themselves and their dogs. All these beings, transcendently more than human, offer valuable insights into the Waiwai perspective on the occupation of spaces/territoriality and their cultural values/ heritage.

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